Monday, January 24, 2011

Fruit & Veggies

I'm a member of a local fruit and vegetable co-op. I joined about 6 months ago and LOVE it! Once a fortnight members of the group head Downtown to a local fruit and vegetable wholesalers and buy produce for the 12 members. They then split the produce and we pick up the baskets.

This was my first week's basket back in August - can I hear you say, "yum"????

Well, this weekend was my weekend to do the shop. I had a new partner whom I had never met, but had spoken to once on the phone. I got up at 4.45 on Saturday morning and drove down to my partner's house. We then drove Downtown and got to the wholesalers at around 6am.

If you've never been to a wholesalers it can be a little daunting, but these guys are really friendly and I felt as this was my second shop there that I sort of knew what I was doing.

We had $210 to spend on the 12 baskets, so had lots to play with.

First you head into the shop and pick up the list with the prices of all the produce, then you go back to your car and decide what you want to buy for everyone. This is the hard part, trying to find what's good value and what you want the basket to consist of. We quite often end up with three heads of celery which drives me nuts, as I have NO IDEA what to do with that much celery! We wrote out what we wanted, then went back inside to order everything we wanted. There was a slight language barrier and we almost ended up with papayas instead of pineapples, but we sorted everything out in the end. You then head back to the car to wait for all the goodies.

This is what $210 worth of fruit and vegetables looks like.

Once it's been loaded into the back of the car we set off back to the house where we split it all up into the 12 baskets. We had help from my partner's friends, who are also members of the co-op.

We then phoned up everyone and they came and collected their baskets.

This is what mine looked like once I got home.

I think we did a good job. Not bad for a $15 investment!

Weezy x

My First Project

I've been wanting to get a mirror for my little boy's room for a while now, but haven't seen the right thing. I was having a look in the Goodwill shop and found this for $2.99.

As you can see, my little boy liked it right away!

The first thing I did was to take it apart and cleaned the glass and the mirror part of it. I then spray painted the frame in blue, which will go with Aidan's room.

Finally I used something that Aidan had been given when he was born, I cut it down to size, then put the whole thing back together again.

Here's the finished project.

I'm really quite pleased with it, as I've said before, I have no artsy bone in my body and to come up with this is quite an achievement for me. Aidan loves it and we're now waiting for my husband to hang it in Aidan's bedroom..... I'll let you know when that happens, but it could be a while.

I've been working on a few other projects over the last week and have also bought a few cool things at some local Goodwills which I'll post later.

Weezy x

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So it begins....

Where to start? That is always the hardest part.

I have tried blogging in the past, but have never kept up with it. Recently, I have been reading other people's posts and love what they do - I want a piece of the action, so here goes...

I'm a stay at home mum, so am on a budget, which means I have to be frugal in everything that we do. I clip coupons, shop at Goodwill, enjoy finding online bargains and LOVE sales. My husband groans when I come back with bags of "bargains".

In the last month of so I have been inspired by creative blogs out there and have some projects in mind that I will blog about. We have been in the States for three years now and in our home for just over two. Now that we know we're not going to move in the near future, we really need to get our home decorated with some colour and style. I hope I'm up to the task!

Today I went to Goodwill and picked up a few bargains, the best of which was a Battat - Around the Block Wagon that I picked up for the grand total of $3.99. I looked online when I got home and it looks like these retailed for $49.99!

My little boy saw it in the shop and fell in love with it. He pushed it all around the shop and wouldn't let it go, so I had to buy it and for just under 4 bucks, who could blame me?! It came with a few blocks, but there were some obviously missing. When we got home, I gave it a good clean and added some blocks that have been sitting untouched in the toy bin for the last few months. I'm very pleased with it and so is my little boy.

I picked up a few more items, but I'll show you those in another post.

What bargains have you picked up lately?

Weezy x